Board of County Commissioners

Gadsden County, Florida

First Budget Public Hearing

September 8, 2016

6:00 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2-absent

                                Gene Morgan, District 3-appeared by phone

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair called meeting to order 




  Sam Palmer appeared before the Board advocate for hiring of health care coordinator & asked for approval to hire or give health council permission to hire.  Have person in mind-Mr. Martinez-been acting director over 12 years with no pay.  Has been useful providing information to churches, member of Emergency Management team in county.  Asking for vote up or down to give health council permission to do hiring



   Sherry Vanlandingham appeared before the Board to address same thing as Mr. Palmer, the vacancy of the health care position with County.  Was privileged to work with Martinez and was asked to sit in meeting he attended and talked about health disparities and had problem with people not getting care they needed.  Felt he was qualified for job.


Holt thanked her for her assistance with the food.



   Pastor Charles Morris, 23201 Blue Star Highway, Quincy, FL appeared before the board regarding the health council as well as the Robert Woods Foundation report.  Believe position should be answerable to county commission and should hold all agencies accountable that use the county stats to get $


Commended County Manager because working actively with Coach and already having meetings


Was so happy so many people responded positively.



  Holt said her request was for health coordinator and position not yet approved, working on budget itself now.


Holt said before approving agenda, if any amendments-Presnell said no. 



Holt moved to add health care coordinator to budget


  Hinson said election very interesting, last year was thinking about stuff before came to this point. One was bringing business enterprise office here with full time attorney & with full time person, could do more than someone seen 2-3 times a month  Wanted a full time position so could report to CA, & he report to commissioners, don’t know what going on with non-profits.  His position was needed full time person.   Don’t want to call names because public meeting but need to be bold and do things right way.  His humble opinion before making decision.  He asked to evaluate every department, make chart & those things should be discussed in detail.  With health department may be duplicating services.


Holt said health care coordinator would be doing what he is talking about. 


  Taylor agreed with Hinson-at this point and time position not necessary-come back later in budget year to look at this.  Already $1.1 Million over budget.  Need Dr. Cooksey to talk with council.  Have issues that need to be addressed.  Don’t need middle person, she needs to talk regularly to them and report to the board.  Have had health care coordinator that should have been doing this.  Coordinator should be one to take deliverables and make it part here.  Agencies that came over, had measures to address some of the issues.  If are to look at it, do it holistically and chime in as should as board.  Agreed something that needed to be looked at but not now. 


  Sherry Vanlandingham reappeared before Board and said they hit a nerve with her.  Until she talked with Sherrie Taylor in bank one day wasn’t even aware there was someone doing economic development in county.  Heard economic development person was a she, never met her, but health council rolling.  Have someone and don’t know what doing in economic development


Holt said glad she asked-group reports to Board often.  State of Florida, Enterprise Florida, DEO all say sites have to be certified and been working on doing that.  Holt said went to Jackson County to ask how they did theirs-they gave blueprint on how they did it 12 years prior.    Said she would like Sherry to work with group because she was local.  Holt said have approx. $1.6 Million in reserve, $1.1 Million down; required by State to have at least $3.5 & 1 position won’t hurt $5 Million


Sherry said people stopped coming to BOCC meetings because arguing and carrying on and sitting here until 11-12 at night-not because don’t care-want to see pro-active


Holt said when get $1.1 Million out of way-can sit, filibuster all night – take out $1.1 Million and balance budget-take out $100,000 set aside for coordinator, still fund economic development & can do all and be where need to be.


Sherry said have to be accountable & can’t keep setting aside-



  Pastor Morris said concerned-some still questioning Robert Wood Foundation-what Hinson said true  arguing for position, not person


not sure health department should be involved, seems to be conflict of interest


Holt said when first started health council, did report along with Arrie Battle because received part of ½ cent sales tax


Morgan said primary function here tonight was to set reasonable budget, revenues trending downward and have taken money from reserve, $2.1 Million last year & now $1.1 Million this year & if keep going will be as broke as were back in 2008


Holt said down $1.1 and if fund position be down $1.2-only talking about $100,000 & dot complete $100,000


Hinson asked them to remember last year he asked that every department give them what they did so would know what needed to do and how to approach it.  Said then needed to add one position, take away few, add 1.  Personally have no problem with position, wants to make sure think through first and maybe have workshop with health department.  Always big on adding more stuff to everything.  Can always amend budget. 


Holt said could they vote to set aside $, vote and get out.


Morgan asked where $ would come from, Holt said reserves is where $1.1 would come from.


Taylor not in agreeance with setting aside money; With regards to economic, no deliverables, if keep going back to well, gets dry and at pace going will be broke in 3 yrs and no reserves, need to pass budget tonight that in place, have discussions at some point and time with departments will  most impact.  Adopt budget and move forward, not willing to put in additional money, amend once hear from body most impacts


Holt said still putting motion out for position for health care coordinator and setting aside $100,000 for health care coordinator and money to come from reserve/Hinson


Presnell said since first public hearing, unless continue meeting tonight, have to stay with budget, can move $ around


Jeff said according to TRIM, can make motion approving budget with changes and can vote-Presnell asked increase and Jeff said yes


Holt said motion was for health care coordinator position $ to be set aside, $ used where Board saw fit-if not used, return to budget-$ to come from reserve


Called for vote 2-2-Taylor/Morgan opposed  Taylor said Hinson did not vote, Holt said he did, he said his vote was to set aside funds 


Holt not willing to approve budget without it. 


Taylor said Holt needed to see if public input regarding budget-


Presnell said if want to change budget, go ahead with discussion because how proceed depends on actions.  If want to proceed with budget process, 2 required votes tonight-millage rate & total budget amount


Hinson wanted to make motion to add 25 jobs to summer youth program for total of 125 and would be an additional $25,000 added to budget.  Morgan asked where would come from-reserve/died for lack of second


Taylor made motion to approve budget


Holt asked Morgan if had anything, Morgan said at proper time make motion to approve millage




Public Hearing-First Budget Public Hearing for Adoption of Tentative Millage Rate and Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017

  Presnell said tonight 1st of two required public hearings 8.9064 mills; calculated rolled-back millage rate is 9. 156, 0.1092 higher than current rate; tentative 2016-17 fiscal budget is $48,360,075-Staff recommended 1st adoption of proposed millage rate of 8.9064 mills


Holt asked if public comment-none


Taylor/Hinson Adoption of millage rate


No public input




Presnell said adoption of tentative budget for 2016-17


Holt asked for public input-none


Taylor/Hinson 2-2 Morgan/Holt opposed


Morgan voted no because does not want $ out of reserve


David said need tentative budget and need to come up with something


Sherry Vanlandinghan reappeared and asked Morgan-said have to leave tonight with tentative budget and means could be changed at any point and time and could be readdressed at later date.


Holt asked Morgan why voted no because tentative-he said fact was revenue was trending down and can’t keep spending way spending and not approving budget when pulling out from reserves


Hinson asked what coming out


Morgan said $1.1 Million and means not living within revenue coming into the county


Taylor addressed Morgan and said she saw issues with going into reserves year after year and was wondering if they could approve a tentative budget tonight and meet before next budget hearing to settle.  Morgan said not in position and not comfortable approving tonight


Hinson said to be a good leader need to compromise, not always get what want and great thing is Holt put something on table; he put something on table and asked Taylor if she had something for table.  Taylor said not fiscally responsible to add to deficient.


Hinson said Auditor General said need to have $3.5 Million in budget, still have $5 Mill regardless and have $1.5 more than recommend.  Can’t leave without consensus.  Are $1.5 Million over where supposed to be and if not mistaken, currently in great situation with money and need to figure


Taylor said not sure why he addressed her, she voted for it, he should address 2 that voted against it.


Hinson said John McCain and Kennedy said knew art of compromise, the art of compromise.  His pet peeve was children and seniors  He told Taylor was sure something she wanted to put in, sure she had pet peeves


Taylor said don’t normally say anything about deeds she’s done because “it’s God’s work” and everything needed has come to fruition and wanted to be fiscally responsible


Holt asked Jeff to pull up the non-profits-Jeff said not updated


Holt said Morgan not willing to vote on non-profits


Morgan suggested a 3% across board cut and everyone would participate in it.


Holt asked Hinson what he wanted to add; Holt said asked Hinson to bring his wants to board, he did and she had no problem with it. 


Holt willing to vote on budget, put $100,000 in, set aside and could be moved


Holt said willing to vote yes if position added


Hinson said not Tuesday nite and Have and Have Nots don’t come on and can stay all nite until 10:00


Holt said she voted for his stuff and saw no sense in voting for that stuff and he don’t vote for healthcare.


Jeff suggested take $100,000 for position, find in current budget and replace-don’t add to reserves for additional $100,000


Presnell said not sure if anything at that level that commissioners willing to do it.


Hinson said cutting 3% across board almost impossible-Holt said only needed 1 more vote-Hinson asked for 3%-she said no, needed her vote would make 3-Presnell said only cost $100,000


Hinson said could not see cutting 3%-cutting position-He asked about other departments, was their increase added in-Presnell said all budgets had increases-Hinson asked if any increases approved-Presnell said had to cut due to deficient putting budget together-75% were cut and one not were due to one-time things like roof, vehicle, lowered operating expense but capital expenses up


Hinson asked how long could meet-Presnell said couldn’t stay after 11:00-can break and re-convene-David said with consent of commissioners could stay-but based on statutory timeframe, don’t think can leave until have tentative budget.


Hinson said cut 3% was a lot, understand need for workshops, know need for healthcare. 


Holt said she would take hers off table, they take theirs off and vote


Taylor motion take everything (non-profits) off table along with health care coordinator.  Holt said position not there


Morgan said willing to consider any options as long don’t go into reserves-don’t have revenue


Taylor told Morgan with 3% cut positions would be lost; Morgan did not think so.  Taylor said heard from Clerk’s Office would lose positions if entertained 3%-Morgan said only if not eliminate other areas


Morgan said agreed to not pass on health care increase on to employees


Hinson said aside from Legal Services of North Florida, cut % from others, Taylor said too small


Holt said constitutional officers needed to look at their budgets


Hinson said people have to feel safe, if pull from sheriff, would have more problems, clerk trying to pull away about $400,000 getting increase  Hinson said having great year, folks crazy about them,


(Silence then Board started talking small-talk, dental chairs, aftermath of storm)  Morgan asked where were at-Holt said sitting-can’t get 3 votes in favor of budget and without can’t adjourn-more silence


Bd starting laughing, said if Morgan lost cell connection, they could vote


Presnell asked if certain amount Morgan would be happy with to vote on budget-Morgan happy with 3% across board excluding clerk’s office


Hinson asked (again) where $1.1 Million shortfall came from-Presnell said accumulation of entire budget, had revenue shortfall from property taxes and was accumulation of things


Presnell said if approved would still have $5 Million in reserves


Taylor said her and Hinson could leave and leave Holt and Morgan to deal with it.  It was pointed out if they left, would not have quorum and meeting would end and could not leave without approving budget because of deadline.  If don’t pass budget tonight, out of compliance with State Statutes.  Taylor said still time to pass before September 30th, David said no with having to advertise


Hinson said have people refusing to vote for budget if others don’t do what they want;


Morgan said if someone put option out, he’s willing to compromise his position


Holt said his was $1.1 Million, all she wanted was $100,000


Hinson said come back t later date for non-profits


Taylor said Morgan talking about savings, Holt talking about costs; Holt said ones they want there is costs


Morgan said cut 2% across board so not to impact any of non-profits funded now other than the 2%


Holt said still had constitutional officers and need to look at their budget.  Morgan said they could adjust their budget due to funding Board gives


Hinson said two of biggest budgets was Sheriff and Clerk, Presnell said also Public Works


Morgan said can’t tell constitutionals how to spend $ but can approve amount they funded, cut 3% except Clerk (Hinson laughed)


Morgan said when revenues started going up-could readdress


David said if not pass something tonight, will  not be in compliance with state statutes


Taylor said would not be penalized


Presnell said would be ramifications on State revenue side


David said never good  idea to not comply with state law


Morgan said not going to agree to spend ton of $ don’t have; Taylor asked if willing to go to 1% & he not willing to go below 2%


Hinson said do 1% across board to make thing flow Presnell said would be $278,500 and was confident no positions would be cut at that level


Hinson said normally he don’t do cuts but got to move forward


Holt said why go for $278,500 when won’t go for $100,000


Hinson said he could hear county had $5 Million surplus, State requires little over $3 Million and lost all $ because won’t pass budget and will have county funds forfeited by state; in great position


Taylor asked Morgan to please consider what on table-he said had compromised his position more than 50%-


Taylor said had 2 commissioners on his side with across board, just different in numbers


Taylor said he said 2, they said 1-was he willing to go 1.5?  Morgan said not hung up on percentage, hung up on number


Hinson said need to look at-this was tentative budget-just vote and move forward-Presnell said can’t change total amount of budget-Jeff said make changes tonight and make final on 19th


Taylor said 1.5 cut equals $417,000


Holt said at 2% was $556,977 & 1% was $278,488 subtract the 2-get $139,244, add to $278,488 and get number  Morgan wanted to verify using correct amount-Presnell said Jeff went through budget and funds that could be cut was totaled and figures derived from that but disbursed all through budget-no summary page


Holt Motion to include health care coordinator at $100,000, put aside/Hinson second  Morgan asked where she addressed existing shortfall-she didn’t


Hinson said county auditor budget increased about $11,000-Presnell said contract had automatic increase built in


Hinson said made mistake with Economic development last time, at $280,000-Presnell said $160,000 going to GCDC; $40,000 to Chamber; $40,000 to Small Business Service Center-$ set aside, only gave $160,000


Sherrie said instead of $200,000 for GCDC, could be savings there to get closer, keep Nixon’s $ where at, Holt said agreed, cut both-keep going


Holt called for vote 2-2 Morgan/Taylor opposed


Taylor said to Morgan thought close to his # if willing to listen


Taylor made motion-approve 1.5 across board reduction along with $40,000 from GCDC for total of $457,000/Morgan second Holt said 1.5% reduction across board not restricted funds

David said in case $457,000 not precisely accurate, motion is for 1.5 % across board plus $40,000-Jeff said use $457,000 and not use percentage  $47,903,075 is budget


Taylor amended motion to say $457,000 cut from budget and basis for $457,000 reduction is 1.5% across board + $40,000 from GCDC/Morgan 3-1 Holt opposed.



  adjourned 9:07